down lo

Ranting and raving and carrying on...

Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Vegan & Vegetarian

So today I started off thinking that I should do something about my interests. I started looking up bands that I listen to and found on the Audioslave site a link to a site called Axis of Justice. This non-profit organization was formed by Serj Tankian (System of the Down) and Tom Morello (Audio/Rage) to bring together musicians, and fans of musicians to fight for social justice. I thought this was a great operation, the site has a list of ways to jump into the fight for justice in your community, like the eduction section. It lists a bunch of movies, bands, books that support questioning authority and to educate your mind of the things happening around the world. After looking around this site, I started thinking about my rights as a Vegetarian and how I could make myself involved in my beliefs. I can't remember exactly how I stumpled upon it, but I came across PETA2. One of the first things I found on this site was the "Fish Are Friends, Not Food Week." which is June 26 to July 2. This was just one of many ideas that this site has to offer. If you didn't just close the pop-up, you would have seen that Goldfinger's link to his video. I thought I should become more invalved in my beliefs of not eating meat. I also decided to try being a vegan for as long as I can last, or this might be permanent.


Blogger Pilon, A said...

Ok now, don't take this the wrong way but Vegan?? Are you crazy?? I can see why you wouldn't want to kill a cow to eat it's meat, but it doesn't hurt the cow to milk it and drink that milk. You can't even eat cheese or anything like that. Milking a cow does more good for it than bad! Man, seriously, eating animal made products does not hurt the animal so I don't know what beleifs your trying to uphold. if it's not hurting animals then you've already done it by being a vegitarian, and secondly, Vegans are not the healthiest people in the world. You may say they look fine and they might say they feel fine but there are things happening you can't see except for the few who are the most careful, which a lot of them aren't.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Pilon, A said...

Also.the Axis of Justice is one of my topics for the pylon but you won't see that for awhile

7:01 PM  
Blogger Steven said...

I agree and disagree with Pilon. While vegans probably are not very healthy about their lifestyles because of the drastic change and they don't adapt very well and become rather sickly. I know I'm probably going to try veganism when I move out...I know my family won't support it while I'm here, but I can give it a whirl on my own. As for the not hurting the animals thing, that is not entirely true. While I acknowledge the presence of family owned farms that treat their animals well and don't completely obliterate their rights, that is not where most of these things are coming from. Most of the milk, cheese, eggs, etc. we are getting, we are getting through cruel means. Animals(especially cows) are put through period after period of pregnancy so they can output the most milk for the owner. So therefore, the only choice can be becoming a vegan or raising your own animals. Pilon is right in that it does not harm them. Point is, finding milk or cheese or anything that has not been obtained through a cruel means is a rarity in most stores. Especially Weyburn.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Pilon, A said...

That's bullshit and you know it. Contrary to your beliefs not every person who owns animals are cruel. I'll admit there are some out there but there are government laws and inspectors to make sure animals are not treated cruely. some escape through the cracks but for the most part the eggs(which you can't eat) and milk are not acheived through cruel means. The eggs chicken are going to lay anyway. Just because you find one site that says KFC rips the beaks off their chickens does not mean every single chicken that is out there gets it's beak ripped off...It just doesn't happen. If that happened in Canada the government would be on them so fast and in most of the USA too.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Pilot said...

Hey John I just wanna give you a heads up. But before that, bravo, if you believe in something enough to stand for it great. I have many friends who are vegetarians and vegans.. and they live very happy lives. The thought of going vegetarian has crossed my mind several times.

But I'd like to put forward a word of caution for your health. PLEASE do LOTS OF RESEARCH AND SEE A DOCTOR before undrtaking this. A friend of mine Jolene went vegan and nearly killed herself. She got a serious Vitamin B12 deficiency amongst others and was hospitalized for a short while.

Vegetarianism and Veganism is the epiphany of human development. We are saying to the world that we have progressed enough that we can do without the barbarious needs of our past. What people fail to do is apply these advancements towards good research and regualr medical checkups while approaching a new diet.

If you have questions, need support or wanna get in touch with a vegan, drop me an e-mail, I'll give you a hand.

We bass players must stick together ya know.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Jonny said...

Well, my vegan experience is at a halt at the moment, but I will try it again someday. I didn't even state any reason why I was going to go vegan. One reason was that humans don't need to drink milk after infancy and drinking another species' milk isn't all too healthy, seeing that it was made for cows which have 4 stomachs. Most cows are given hormones to produce more milk then what is normal for a mother cow. Thank you, Jeremy for being concerned for my health and when I try veganism again, I will seek a doctor out.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Steven said...

Okay, that is not bullshit in any way, shape, or form. As much as people would like to believe the happy myth, the cow that peoplke are eating has more than likely not seen the light of day. Anyways, like I said, I KNOW THAT THERE ARE PLACES THAT TREAT THEIR ANIMALS RIGHT. It's like saying "Well, there was one concentration camp that treated the prisoners well before they killed them, so it's okay by me". Okay, I'll admit, for people who aren't vegetarian it's a completely different thing, but the point is, as a vegetarian, I care for those animals. To me, it's not about the killing and eating of animals, but the way they are forced to die. 90%-95% of animals are supposed to be incapacitated, but studies have shown that number is much less. Ineffective stunning of the animals leaves many animals alive while they are de-feathered, killed, etc. I don't wish that death on anything. Anyways, I'm not trying to start a huge fight on here, I'm leaving it at that.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Pilot said...

Good on you John, and for you and Steve, stick to your principles, you're way braver than me.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Pilon, A said...

I don't disagree with you on the animal killing thing, you just said that all the cows that have their milk taken from them are mistreated, as if they are having thier bones broken until the give milk. All cows want to do is stand in a field and eat grass. I'm saying that taking the milk from them is not hurting them. And Jon, since when is cows milk not healthy for you?? I must have missed that chapter in the food guide.

Like I said I AGREE THAT THERE ARE ANIMALS THAT ARE MISTREATED but you have to look at a few things, first off, where are you getting your statistics, what area of the world are they for(Just because it says 80% of cows in Canada are mistreated doesn't mean that they are all here, there might only be 20% in Sask but 100% in Alberta, and maybe the stats are for the states), what do the consider as mistreatment, do they have officials currently looking into the situations and trying to fix them and so on and so forth. I agree that animals have to helped but say that when you walk into a grocery store that 95% of the stuff you buy is from a mistreated animal is probably going a little too far.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Pilon, A said...

Note: no statistics in the above entry are correct, I made them up.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Pilon, A said...

Ok, because I'm sure jon is getting sick and tired of his comments racking up I would suggest you go to to continue this discussion

1:20 PM  

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