down lo

Ranting and raving and carrying on...

Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Monday, November 07, 2005

A tremor in my head

This Saturday was Dave's Attack of the Saga movie night and like any "hardcore" Star Wars fans, we went to Regina to watch 14 hours of pure Star Wars glory on the big screen (It was on a projector borrowed from the Comp). The door prices were given out later in the night, and all three of us (Jared, Pilon and I) all tied scores, so it came down to a draw. I was picked first so naturally I picked the huge Darth Vadar coin bank which plays sound every time you drop a coin in or press the button. Pilon was drawn second and picked the radio script to Episode 4 and Jared got The new Rebllion book. Jason, being a more bashful Star Wars geek, took the Star Wars table cloth.. most likely because he needed it to spruse up his computer room table. After the last movie, I felt the attack of the headache, and I knew it was from the lack of fresh air and skipping dinner. So, Sunday was basically my hangover from the Star Wars binging, yes, I was heavily drinking Star Wars movies. So, long story short the weekend went well, and Dave should plan another gathering of extreme nerdrom.

I guess I could have opened with that instead of telling you the story, but they it would sound so out of place and this blog wouldn't be the recommended few paragraphs that I time to reach in every entire.

*(Very Pointless) Movie Review*

Well, on the car ride up to the Saga to end all Saga nights, Jared asked us what would be our list of the Saga from best to worst. In my opinion, I believe the list from best to worst goes like this:

1. The Empire Strikes Back - Hoth battle AND Lando? I mean really what can be better then that? To mean it was one of the better plot driven episode of them all. Connecting Luke and Darth Vadar at the end, with a great lightsabre fight I might add.

2. Return of the Jedi - The ultimate fight between Dark and Light, showing the unconditional love of Luke's father when he kills the Palpatine to save his son.

3. A New Hope - Trench run, Porkins died like a week ago, so Jared tells me. He was the X-wing pilot that can't pull up. RIP William Hootkins Oct.23/05 AKA Porkins

4. Revenge of the Jedi - Everything is great about this movie, it is the best of the prequels. As long as you ignore the scenes between Padme and Anakin it is a very good movie... and maybe the close up lightsabre fight at the end.

5. Attack of the Clone/ The Phantom Menace - I just don't know which movie is better, on one hand, AoC, the acting between "Annie" and Padme slowly starts to degrade. I don't blame the actors... maybe Hayden , but mostly George Lucas and Hayden. I love the pit battle and the first chase scene in the movie and that is about it.
The Phantom Menace has the lightsabre fight between Darth Maul and the two jedi's, and it introduced the battle droids and Droidicas, but it does have 2 annoying characters in it, that being Jar Jar and Anakin. But I can stand Jar Jar more then the average person, so sometimes he can be alright.

And there you have it, my very long, very pointless rant about how amazing the Star Wars trilogy is.. oops did I say trilogy HA HA silly me.

End Game


Blogger The Navigator said...

The lightsaber fight at the end is awesome. It was everything I wanted it to be..It wasn't any closer up than the ones in the rest of the movies.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Jonny said...

I guess it wasn't as bad as Aliens Vs. Predator.. oh wait! You haven't seen that yet.

4:42 PM  
Blogger The Navigator said...

oh, and we didn't tie with Jared....he got was me you and Jason.

7:36 AM  

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