down lo

Ranting and raving and carrying on...

Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Kindness, it's in you to give

Well, I just finished my first week of working on call for T&C pizza. I have to say that I don't entirely like my job ,but there are always ups and downs to every job. Like for example, I was called to deliver a pizza to Greystone Manor Apt #308. If you know anything about Greystone Manor, you would know that it is composed of 5 apartment buildings! So, here I am with a large pizza and a drink as I walk from apartment building to apartment building searching for A) a phone B) the right apartment. I finally find someone home and they gladly let me use their phone. It turns out the guy lives in the brick apartments beside Greystone Manor! Oh right the address I didn't have, ha ha. So I run over the pizza with my car... go figure. A woman was just openning the main apartment door as I came, so she let me in. The guy who ordered it wasn't that steamed about it being pretty cold so I was "off the hook". When I walked down the hallway back to the stairs and the main door, who would be there but the woman who openned the door for me. She was helping her friend move what looked like an oddly shaped TV stand. So being the gentleman I am, I offered my help, and they gleefully accepted my help. We made it easily down the stairs and to a close van parked outside. They thanked me and I was off... to go back into the apartment and grab the drink tray and debit machine I dropped to help them... ya. So, in any case, a kind doings can be the diffenece between
a crappy delivery or an exciting ordeal.

Lucky for T&C, I was back before the next order...

In closing, I would like to point out that all the actors and actresses were played by real people in this skit, but real people still need to be treated like you would like to be treated. Please, have a nice day!

P.S. If this is the worst job, I can only get a better job... right?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

My job

Hey, well I finally got a job delivering pizzas for Town & Country. Yay, go me. The job isn't bad, but when your "reliable" car stops being so reliable.. well lets just say it makes the job a lot harder. "My first delivery." I thought as I jumped into my car with the pizzas to find out my car has overheated. So, my first two deliveries were in my boss's car then I was off for 10 minutes to pick up my dad's truck. After that the delivery went smooth...besides spilling a drink and getting the wrong address on a pizza. I even got to delivery a pizza to Mr. Glaspey himself! So, good times had by all, but I'm afraid if I don't get my car fixed I will have to quit this job and start over.

For those of you "want to be" mechanics, my car works fine untill you try to start it on a very warm day. It makes a slightly different noise when
it is too hot, but when it cools off it works fine again!? It could be a hose that expands from the heat letting air into the system or something more but ya that's
what it is doing when it is warm. On the plus side, I have my CD player installed in the car and it sounds amazing!